1.[ROM] PrimeHD 6.0 | CM 7.2 | Stock / nAa / Alfs | 29/03/2012
nAa & Alfs Kernel:http://www.mediafire.com/?baw5and70h3w2hl
Stock Kernel:http://www.mediafire.com/?99ugzjme49a3ltv
Google Apps:http://goo.im/gapps/gapps-gb-20110828-signed.zip
CM 7.2 RC1 via Stable branch
PrimeDX Settings: GingerDX Settings for PrimeHD with some optimizations, credits doixanh
ICS Calculator
Improved 2D
Improved scrolling
Updated Gapps
Play Store 3.5.15
Fixes with Play Store
Updated Superuser
Adreno Libs by atis112 for Alfs Kernel
Fixes for AGPS Servers
New Youtube & Gmail
Tweaks to provide more free RAM
Some minor internal cleaning of code
GingerDX v025:http://www.mediafire.com/?fub726u49343osj
GingerDX Alfs Kernel AddOn v004:http://www.mediafire.com/?v02pfw2f9eltibw
GingerDX Overclock Module (x8oc.ko v004):http://www.mediafire.com/?86n454in0jdzyac
v025 - Some updates here and there
Latest CM7.2.0-RC1 Hero nightly
Replaced system/etc/hosts past a normal hosts file
Almost 16500 lines (500KB+) to block ad hosts is plain insanity
Use AdAway or any similar app
Tweaked lightsensor settings in hw_config.sh
- br::rate up to 32768 (from 8192)
- br::rate down to 32768 (from 65538)
- br::limit up to 255 (from 250)
- curve::targets changed to 100,115,130,175,254 (from 10,75,120,164,254)
- als::avg-t down to 512ms (from 1024ms)
Tweaked gps.conf
- Set NTP SERVER values to...
...to span the regions where the X8 is/was being sold.
Change in tiwlan.ini
- WiFiAdhoc = 1 (from WiFiAdhoc = 0)
In preparation of researching SoftAP mode
Cleaned up several scripts in the base system
Merged Stock Kernel Modules into ROM
Added ICS Alarms, Notifications, Ringtones and UI sounds
Replaced DroidSans.ttf and DroidSans-Bold.ttf past their ICS Roboto font counterparts
Replaced Clocktopia.ttf past the ICS AndroidClock.ttf counterpart
Gmail 2.3.6
Play Store 3.5.16
Added GalleryDX, based on QuickPic 2.2.2
Other changes:
Center clock on status bar now in CMParts
- Patch by doixanh
Dismissed "Disable boot animation" in CMParts
Misc language updates in CMParts
- Russian translation by AChep
- German translation by B.Jay
- Italian translation by silverio_di and Firelord70
- Bulgarian translation by didkoslawow
Alfs Kernel Addon:
Version bump to v004 to match GingerDX v025
### MiniCM7-2.2.0
* CM7.2 RC1
* Small bugfixes
* Improved scrolling performance
* Updated adreno libs
* Media profiles update
* New bootanimation
Xperience V6.0
* Minor fixes
* Improved performance
* Removed Xperia music
* Added original Cyanogen music player
* Improved screen animations
* New compilation 6.0
* Improved scrolling performance
* Media profiles update
* Xperience system theme Updated
* Added Active launcher
* Deleted launcher xperia S
* Added Wallpapers Xperience (in sony ericsson wallpapers)
* Deleted auto SWAP
* Added light transparency in pop ups
* Deleted bootanimation
* Added stock keyboard in a flashable zip
* Added chainfire super user
Rom Se MOD4: http://www.mediafire.com/?2d6n7u1fcj68tjr
- CM7.2 RC1 Galaxy Ace GT-S5830
- SEM3 Feature
- Improved scrolling performance
- nAa 11 / alfs v08a
- SMS popup
- Center Clock
- Bubble Transition
- ICS Frame
- Add Adreno libs
- Stars Lock Screen
- New Shin Wallpaper
- Dark Shin Bravia
- New ICS style settings
* Stable and Fast (Laggy sometimes)
* Xperia S look
* Latest Xperia boot animation
* Some Xperia Apps & Icons
* Launcher with Xperia S dock
* Xperia S Ringtones & Audios
* Xloud
* Bravia Hack
* Multi-Touch for both Cypress and Synaptic
* And a lot of Xperia S stuff
Known Bugs
* Performance is not great!
* Battery Life, can be improved.
* Timescape works but glitches at start (?)
Changelog v5:
+New framework
+fixed some laggy scrolling
+fixed for Contact viewer
+Xperia S Font
+small improvement...
-fixed headset
-fixed root permission
-modded framework
Kernel: Alfs Gdx 8a no caps
ROM: http://www.mediafire.com/? r678pzd2bv00xdn
Fixs setting (English UK): http://www.mediafire.com/?dpv3k8vr318ctz5
Support shakira, robyn and mimmi
Latest nightlies
Good performance for games
New adreno libs for better performance
Back button ends call
Revamped,Holo, Blade lockscreen style
ICS transition
ICS rotation animation with enable/disable option in "Cyanogenmod settings/display" (disable default)
AChep's ICS theme included
Fully DEODEXed
nAa 11 : http://adf/*ly/5Q7dV
nAa 10 : http://adf/*ly/56NcW
nAa 09 : http://adf/*ly/56NZY
nAa 08b : http://adf/*ly/4XCt2
nAa 08 : http://adf/*ly/4XDDd
nAa 07 : http://adf/*ly/4XDFZ
nAa 06b : http://adf/*ly/4XD3U
nAa 06 : http://adf/*ly/4XD5y
alfs01 : http://adf/*ly/4XCXS
alfs02a : http://adf/*ly/4XCYX
alfs03 : http://adf/*ly/4XCaC
alfs04 : http://adf/*ly/4XCb2
alfs05 : http://adf/*ly/4FXY2
Kernel : http://adf/*ly/4FXbF
alfs06 : http://adf/*ly/4aUXE
alfs06 no fps cap Alfs.rar : http://adf/*ly/4aUYa
alfs07 : http://adf/*ly/5MI55
alfs07 fps cap : http://adf/*ly/5MI6L
alfs07-ICS : http://adf/*ly/5MI70
v004 : http://adf/*ly/4XCfJ
v003 : http://adf/*ly/4XCg0
v002 : http://adf/*ly/4XChA
v001 : http://adf/*ly/4XChk