Sunday, November 18, 2012

Make Your Standar ROM with my MOD

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
kali ini saya share tentang ROM standar yang ada di GinggerBread, maksudnya ROM MiniCM7 di modif sedemikian hingga seperti Tampilan Standar, and this is not Theme,tetapi bukan ROM sebenarnya.
Syarat Sudah install ROM miniCM7, lalu install gapps setelah itu baru install ini.

Pict MOD standar ROM

Link Download :http://adf#ly/DNiwH

Cara Instal : Other Installation :
1. Download zip. 1. Download Zip
2. insert zipt to SDcard 2. Take Apk in zip
3. reboot and goto CWM 3. Move to System with Root Explorer
4. choose install from SDcard 4. Set Permission
5. read basmallah 5. read Basmalah
6. wait, and done. reboot again 6. reboot, wait and done

Pict MOD Xperia S ROM

Link Download :http://adf#ly/DNjR6

Cara Instal : Other Installation :
1. Download zip. 1. Download Zip
2. insert zipt to SDcard 2. Take Apk in zip
3. reboot and goto CWM 3. Move to System with Root Explorer
4. choose install from SDcard 4. Set Permission
5. read basmallah 5. read Basmalah
6. wait, and done. reboot again 6. reboot, wait and done

jika ada kesalahan mohon dimaafkan dan dibenarkan,
Tested in MiniCM : fully worked but your ROM must frist Deodex.
Thaks to Ariefuno Reca.

Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb.
